Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hello, again.

Mr. Lo, Mrs. Lo, and Co.

WOW. It’s been almost 6 years since I’ve abandoned this blog, 4 years since graduating from med school, 3 years since my hospital internship, 3 years since Mr. Lo and I have gotten married, 2 years since my PGY training, and 1.5 years since I’ve started my family medicine residency. But most important of all, it’s been 1 year since I gave birth to my baby boy, Nolan.
Time didn’t fly. It just took off in supersonic speed without notice.
I guess I just never realized how fast things were moving until Nolan came along. Now when I look at him, I can’t help but wonder if this 90th percentile Energizer baby giant ate my 2904g newborn.  As happy as I am seeing him grow bigger and stronger, my heart bleeds a little every time I put his outgrown onesies away. Where did my chill, sleepy, wiggly baby burrito go?? Daily videos and photos capturing his moments just don’t seem enough anymore… sometimes it feels like he’s slipping away day by day, and all of this is amounting to the day my baby leaves home for college. LOL, what a melodramatic mother I am. But seriously, I can’t be the only mother that feels this way. Which brings me here, typing away in the dark with Nolan sleeping beside me… It’s time to revive this thing! Just a place where I can keep record of little things happening in our family or share the ups and downs of mother/parenthood.  But most importantly, food blogging! I must admit, I've gotten a little rusty with the whole blogging business... I still don't know which camera I should use to document my cooking, or if just completely rely on my cellphone. Do I even have time to cook or blog?? Who knows, none of it matters if I can’t keep this up, so less worrying and more doing... Keeping my fingers crossed! 

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